Learning Technology - References

Nation wide concern on Education :
Goals 2000: Educate America
Act, signed March 31, 1994 by President Clinton.
Reinventing Schools: The Technology Is Now, National Academy of Sciences Report.

Education Resources for Chemistry :
UCSD, Physical Chemistry.
UC Berkeley The ModularCHEM Consortium
U of Akron, HordeNet.
Lehigh College, ChemPRIME Project.
Clemson U., ChemEd.
UMD, Chemistry in Context.
U of West Indies
U. of Liverpool, CTI Centre for Chemistry.
Imperial College, Global Instructional Chemistry.
Virginia Tech's Chemistry Education Resources
Columbia U., The Edison Project.
Caltech, Chemistry Animation Project.
Education Software for Chemistry :
J. Chem. Ed.: Software
Falcon Software
Trinity Software
SciTech Software

Education Resources for Physics :
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Department of Physics and Astronomy - Research in Physics Education Group
U. of Oregon, Dept. of Physics
NCSU, Physics Education Research
Kansas State University, Physics Education Research
The Interactive Physics Problem Set, U. C. Berkeley
The International Center for Multimedia in Education, RPI (CUPLE)
Science Education Dept., Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
U. of Maryland, Research and Innovation in Physics Education (MUPPET).
Surrey U., CTI Centre for Physics.

Science Education :
Interdisciplinary course in Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics, U. Penn.
Centre for Science and Mathematics Education, The Netherlands
Learning through Collaborative Visualization, Northwestern University

Education Technologies Resources :
New Media Centers
Indiana University Bloomington, Teaching and Learning Technologies Laboratory
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Educational Technologies Assistance Group
University of Michigan, Instructional Technology Program
UC Berkeley, Educational Technologies Assistance Group
PSU, Educational Technology
Columbia U., Institute for Learning Technology
Virginia Tech's Instructional Development Initiative
Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE) (gopher)
UCLA, Academic Technology Center
Institute for Academic Technology
ED-MEDIA 95 conference
CAUSE, the association for managing and using the information resources in higher education
NCSA Education Program
Academe this week, Chronicle of Higher Education

Vendors :
Adobe has 70% of all graphics market.
Macromedia dominates the multimedia development market just as Adobe in the graphics market.
Its users dominate the Invision Awards (an annual multimedia contest). 75% of
the awards of excellence goes to titles made with Macromedia software.

Publications :
- Laurillard, Diana "Rethinking University Teaching", Routledge, 1993.
- Tobias, Sheila "Revitalizing Undergraduate Science - Why Some Things Work and Most Don't", Research Corporation, 1992. (Q 181 T58 1990)
- Tobias, Sheila "They're Not Dumb, They're Different - Stalking the Second Tier", Research Corporation, 1990. (Q 183.3 A1 T63 1992)
- Vaughan, Tay "Multimedia - Making It Work", Osborne, 1994.
- "Multimedia Demystified", Random House/NewMedia.

Periodicals :
- New Media
- InterActivity
- DV - Total Digital Video
- CD-ROM Professional
- Imaging Magazine
- Presentations
- Computer Graphics World
- Publish!
- Educator's TECH Exchange
Reviews :
- AV Drives - NewMedia Jun 95, p.43
- PC video capture card - NewMedia Nov 94, p.77
- Mac A/V card - MacWorld Aug 95, p.112
- LCD panels - Presentations, May 95, p. 38
- MPEG decoder card - NewMedia, Apr 95, p. 41
| Table of Contents | Goals | Cost Summary | 1-6 mon. | 1-6 mon. price |
7-12 mon. | References |
Ching-Wan Yip, Department of Chemistry,
Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC 27109-7486,
Copyright © 1995 Ching-Wan Yip